Quote of the day: “Connection is the force that transforms a dog-eat-dog culture into a sled dog team that pulls together.” – Jason Pankau
It’s been a very good week. This morning I received an email that Tom Peters was following my tweets. In the early 1980s, as I young employee of Texas Instruments I read In Search of Excellence and went through a training program based on Tom’s book and ideas. I still have the audio tapes from his lectures! What I found so enthralling was that he described what was possible, a better work culture and an organization where people thrived individually and collectively. It put a fire in my belly not to settle for the current reality. For Tom Peters influence in my life, I am sincerely grateful.
Other good things that happened this week:
Jurgen Noop from the Netherlands recognized my blog as one of the top leadership and management blogs. Many thanks, Jurgen!
This week I thoroughly enjoyed speaking about the Connection Culture, Fired Up or Burned Out, employee engagement, leadership, productivity and innovation with Zane Safrit on his Blog Talk Radio program, Nathan Ives on the StrategyDriven Podcast, and Roy Saunderson and S. Max Brown on their Real Recognition Radio program. What wonderful people to get to know. I encourage you to check out their work.
Yesterday, I spoke at an organizational development network conference on Long Island. It was a tremendous group with great energy and intelligence. I’m still buzzing from the experience.
And finally, I connected via email with Parker Palmer, author of Let Your Life Speak: Listening for the Voice of Vocation. Jason Pankau, my best friend, business partner, and author of the foregoing “quote of the day,” gave me Parker’s book as a gift some years ago. It had a profound effect on me. I still revisit it periodically. It is a small book that’s packed with wisdom. If you’ve not read it, I highly encourage you to check it out along with everything else Parker writes about on the website for his organization The Center for Courage and Renewal. He is a man of remarkable wisdom and character.
Over the weekend I’m finishing the remarkable book Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy, by Eric Metaxas and working on an article with Howard Behar, the extraordinary leader who turned around Starbucks.
Have a great weekend!